Think of your bank as a high-performance engine, built for speed and endurance. However, even the most powerful engine can’t deliver optimal performance if it’s not finely tuned. Overlook the balance of its components, and you risk breakdowns just when you need...
Changes in market settlement cycles often trigger a domino effect, leading to worldwide adjustments. Over the past few years, we’ve seen a shift to accelerating settlement periods, with China leading at T+0 and others exploring real-time settlement. India moved...
Expectations from regulators in North America, Europe, and Asia suggest a consistent global approach to enhance the resilience of the banking sector (and in some cases other financial institutions). Whilst the focus of the latest Dear CEO letter from The Prudential...
We cannot simply say that regulation is bad. Of course we need rules: You are forbidden to open the plane door while cruising at 35,000 feet. People (generally) don’t smoke at gas stations. If you want to keep a fox outside, you need a pen. The alternative is...
High finance – it sounds tricky. And when your firm is walking the high wire of complex, sophisticated risk, landing safely is a skill. According to industry insights, more than half of the world’s cross-border transactions take place without an adequate...