Industry insights from liquidity experts. Welcome to the Planixs blog.
Strategic liquidity management: Unlocking value with balance sheet optimisation
Think of your bank as a high-performance engine, built for speed and endurance. However, even the most powerful engine can’t deliver optimal...
Why improving intraday liquidity management is in your bank’s best interest
Imagine setting sail to discover hidden treasure. You have a map in hand, but it's outdated and filled with vague warnings like "Here there be...
We anticipated the costs of T+1, now we’re seeing the impact
Changes in market settlement cycles often trigger a domino effect, leading to worldwide adjustments. Over the past few years, we've seen a shift to...
The CFO guide to resilience and success
The ability to make informed decisions based on reliable data is what separates thriving organisations from those that struggle. With the right...
When every second counts, you need real-time visibility
Speed only helps if you know where you are going, and how you will get there. Safely. T+2, T+1, T0, instant payments, it seems that financial...
Intraday liquidity buffer management: The definitive guide
Intraday liquidity defined Intraday Liquidity (IDL) is the capacity required during the business day to enable financial institutions to make...
Real-time Liquidity Management
Contents Introducing real-time liquidity management Why do real-time liquidity insights matter? Using technology to unlock real-time liquidity...
Build vs Buy
Realiti® is the only liquidity intelligence platform to offer real-time, 360° visibility across all liquidity forms—cash, securities, and CBDCs. You...
Understanding regulatory expectations: The role of real-time data in banking
Expectations from regulators in North America, Europe, and Asia suggest a consistent global approach to enhance the resilience of the banking sector...