Planixs releases Enterprise Realiti V7

planixs releases realiti v7
Pete McIntyre, the liquidity expert

Written by Pete McIntyre

April 27, 2018

Planixs today announced that it has released Enterprise Realiti® V7 with a new set of real time data analytics capabilities for the banking industry. Covering the intraday cash, collateral and liquidity management function, Planixs has released a host of new capabilities including enhanced real time intraday matching and scientific stress modelling in addition to reaching new performance benchmarks:

  • Enhanced real time intraday matching: This enhanced capability delivers intraday transaction matching (statement versus ledger) to provide insight as settlement occurs in real time. Using the power of the Planixs technology platform, Graphite, Realiti performs matching in real time at transaction volumes far in advance of those seen in the industry to date.
  • Stress modelling: The first release of data science capabilities within the Realiti suite. Stress testing meets the requirements of BCBS248 and supports a range of different stress scenarios to model and analyse stressed days versus baseline days. Regulators examine a firm’s capability to conduct such stress testing using granular intraday liquidity data and such modelling is fundamental to the regulator agreeing to reduce a firm’s liquidity buffers.
  • New PRA Intraday Evidence report.: This new regulatory report has been created following both client and regulator request due to the increased regulatory attention on intraday liquidity and the need for firms to prepare for deep dive regulator reviews of intraday capability. The report provides clients with fully automated reporting for regulators to demonstrate control of liquidity monitoring requirements with no need for manual intervention or complex calculations.
  • Collateral Management: The first beta release of Realiti’s Collateral Management supports a range of capabilities including liquidity risk and collateral management/optimization/funding activities across a firm.
  • ETL: The “Extract, Transform and Load” interface layer provides clients with a standard API to interface to all Realiti’s modules enabling rapid implementation and benefits realisation.
  • Performance: Additional technology enhancements to Planixs’ Ultra Scale Architecture have further advanced existing record breaking performance levels, ensuring Realiti delivers performance across the product suite unmatched in the industry. This includes enhanced architecture components to ensure Realiti is GPU (Graphical Processor Unit) ‘ready’ to support this new wave of technology performance advancements in the industry.

“Banks are currently served by aging, batch oriented, legacy technology providers that utilise decades-old solutions. Those solutions deliver out of date information with no analytical sophistication,” said Neville Roberts, CEO of Planixs. “Our well established and industry proven technology platform Graphite now provides new levels of data analytics and science that allow us to provide banks with intelligent insight, in the moment, when needed. This transformation is well overdue and our technology allows banks to replace old and costly internal and vendor solutions with the latest innovations.”

Striking at the heart of legacy financial services software providers, Planixs is set to replace entire suites of out of date technology with its new solutions. “Financial Institutions have been waiting for an innovative technology company to turn their data into intelligent insight using the latest advances in data science and analytics,” said Pete McIntyre, Financial Services Director at Planixs. “We have delivered this and our flexible on premise or secure SaaS model allows firms to take immediate advantage of these new capabilities.”

About Planixs

Planixs is a leading provider of analytical, forecasting and modelling software solutions across multiple industries including Financial Services and Human Capital Management. Built on its underlying technology platform, Graphite, Planixs solutions rapidly deliver significant business benefit to its clients, which include major global financial organisations.


Planixs GRP Limited

Pete McIntyre

Financial Services Director


Tel: +44 (0) 161 298 8822

Mob: +44 (0) 7785 708619

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