Why is Payment Control so good for financial confidence?

Using your real-time liquidity information, in tandem with the bank’s payment gateways, you can hold back payments when liquidity drops to user-defined limits. Low-priority payments can be throttled to conserve liquidity for high-priority ones. Once liquidity improves, low-priority payments are automatically released.

one in a million bank
clear view of mountains

A clear and accurate view
of your liquidity in real-time

* Realiti® Payment Control is live and operational now at head offices, subsidiaries, and branches of banks around the world.

* Enable the control and smoothing of payment flows.

* Meet essential criteria that regulators assess for risk management.

* Implement payment throttling based on user-defined business rules.

* Enhance control and responsiveness to fluctuating liquidity conditions.

Meet Realiti Payment Control

Built by experts with decades-deep banking experience, Payment Control can be live quickly, with several immediate benefits.

What it does 

Payment Control extends the Realiti platform’s control capabilities across outgoing payments in both direct and indirect currencies. Payment control is an essential capability that regulators look for when assessing a firm’s ability to control risk and react to issues in real time.

This provides your organisation with the ability to monitor and manage outgoing payments to optimise intraday liquidity and control counterparty risk.

Payment Control delivers insight into the life cycle of outgoing payments and provides the ability to control and smooth payment flows. Your users can identify all payments that have been released, or are scheduled for release, per value date.

Why firms like it

With this in place, your organisation can implement payment throttling, where outgoing payments can be held back based upon user-defined business rules. For example, if Realiti identifies that an account balance has breached a target threshold, then throttling can be instigated and low priority payments held back to ensure the most important payments utilise any remaining, scarce intraday liquidity.

Similarly, payments to distressed counterparties or even whole markets can be flagged and hence held back until the organisation is comfortable with its exposure levels to those participants. Time critical payments and other higher priority payments can be released unhindered by throttling controls.

How does implementation work?

We structure implementation via a phased approach based on desired outcomes and / or regional roll out.
There is no need to invest time and effort in porting data from internal systems.

Get expert advice on building liquidity confidence

You are warmly welcome to ask us any questions. Book a call to get expert advice from Planixs, we’d love to talk to you.

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